Saturday, January 31, 2015

Elimination Oblivion

“Oh, no!  There is something wrong with my baby!  He is spitting up more than normal!  He’s fussy!  He’s having mucous poop!  He’s having blood streaked poop!  I need to live on air and water!”

We’ve been there.    I was there a year and a half ago.  My daughter, Elizabeth, was hospitalized at 7 weeks with severe RSV and pneumonia.  I couldn’t nurse her for five days.  She was on a cocktail of antibiotics to rid her body of the crazy strain of illnesses that were making her condition go from bad to worse.  When we got home, I thought the worst was over.  I was wrong.  The colic that had been gearing up kicked into overdrive.  The eczema that was just “cradle cap” had spread and she was clawing at it constantly. She stopped pooping regularly.  When she did, it was green and full of mucous and later tested positive for blood. My tiny baby was still fighting for normalcy after literally being hours away from a ventilator.  I was heartbroken.  I also wanted her to get better, desperately. 

I was so desperate that I eliminated just about everything and jumped headfirst into Elimination Oblivion. Let’s talk about what happens when you enter Elimination Oblivion.  Sometimes, we become so terrified of reactions without understanding exactly what is causing them and we hit a point of “I can’t eat anything without a reaction, so I’ll live on these five or whatever foods until I die.  Because it’s not like this baby will ever be able to wean!”

I was at a point where I wasn’t sure I could keep going when I realized that food wasn’t our enemy.  We had several things working together that made life difficult when it came to nursing.  Here are some of the things we like to look at when we meet our sensitive babies:

Is it anatomy?  Posterior tongue ties are hard to diagnose.  Lip ties are greatly ignored.  And believe me, just because a doctor doesn’t think it’s a problem that you have a gassy, unhappy baby, doesn’t make it so.  Revisions are simple and pretty much life changing for babies and mommas who nurse them.  TT/LT can cause a host of issues including hindmilk/foremilk imbalance, sore and cracked nipples that don’t get better with a more effective latch, the inability for baby to create a good seal or get a deep latch, low weight gain, low milk supply, green and mucousy poop, even gassiness!  Many of the admins (and board members!) have personally dealt with ties and revisions.  We can help you find the resources you need to fix this very common issue!

Is it a particularly reluctant 4th trimester baby?  The twelve weeks after your baby is born are frequently referred to as the 4th trimester.  These little things are still so new and so fresh.  Sometimes, not everything is exactly put together quite yet.  Digestive systems are still immature. They are frequently gassy and fuss or make faces when passing gas or having a bowel movement. They don’t understand why they can’t feel or smell or hear you all of the time.  Growth spurts seem to happen every five minutes and you’re lucky to remember what the inside of your shower looks like.  And honestly, some babies are just really extra torqued that they had to go through the whole process of leaving you.  I know mine always were!  We have some well thought out, tried and true techniques among us that might help you along the way.

Is it a vaccine or antibiotic related irritation?  Many parents find that babies are very fussy and somewhat unsettled after vaccines.  Some parents find that the world basically stops spinning after vaccines.  We see many mothers come running right after administration of 2 month vaccines or subsequent administrations.  They can cause bowel irritation and even skin and digestive reactions.  They are pretty transient and pretty easily “fixed.”  Antibiotics are a little more complex – when you take an antibiotic, you disrupt the gut flora that can keep you healthy and functioning on a normal basis.  I know for my kids, antibiotics mean frequent diapers or bathroom trips for several weeks.  Many parents find that they cause very runny, problematic poops.  It’s something to keep in mind when you are searching for answers. 

Is it something you’re taking?  While many mothers run to things like Fenugreek and other herbals to boost supply, they seldom realize the impact it can have on things outside of supply.  Many of the herbal preparations and teas bring on some serious gas for baby!

Is it really ALL THE FOOD? Just because your baby is sensitive to X and my baby or someone else’s baby was sensitive to X and Y or X,Y and Z or A-Z, doesn’t mean you need to eliminate the world and live unicorn tears.  Some of us do have to go deeper, but the vast majority of you will find that a simple start with a few other trials will fix it.  Don’t jump off of the deep end after a few days of bad diapers and some eczema.  Start simple, work from there. 

So much of the time, I find that mommas are HANGRY.  That’s Hungry + Angry, and ladies – It’s so ugly.  I’ve been there.  Don’t eliminate into oblivion.  Keep the mindset that you will figure it out.  You will learn to eat around these sensitivities.  You will live to enjoy ice cream another day.  Don’t be afraid of stories of long, winding roads that involve chicken broth and squash for months on end.  We really do know where you are and how to help you and how to support you to find the answers!