Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Does My Baby Have A Sensitivity?

Getting Started:
Elimination can easily go overboard when we expect immediate results. Many times, one bad day leads us to believe that WE are doing something to harm our babies through our breastmilk.  Babies, like their mommas, are entitled to feeling off and cranky.  Let’s explore some reasons to eliminate foods while breastfeeding.  
·         Consistent fussiness or colicky behavior:  This means several days – sometimes growth spurts or teething can really look like a major issue when they are a normal part of infancy.
·         Eczema:  While it can be managed or treated with creams or lotions, often times, eczema is a result of a food sensitivity. 
·         Blood/Mucous diapers:  Mucous is a sign of inflammation.  If it happens one day and not for another month – it’s not an issue.  If it’s an everyday thing, there is likely an issue that needs uncovered.  Blood is always alarming and I take it very seriously.
·         Reflux/spit up: You’d be surprised what a little elimination in your diet can do for your wardrobe, ladies. 
·         Sibling history:  You have had a baby with reactions to something in the past and suspect it may happen again.
And here are some reasons NOT to eliminate:
·         Baby is not sleeping through the night:  Some babies do.  Some babies don’t.  It’s not a food sensitivity if your baby is having normal night waking.
·         Occasional spit up:  Again, sometimes, this just happens.
·         Baby wants to nurse frequently:  This is very normal infant behavior. Growth spurts, developmental leaps or comfort nursing are a huge deal for infants. Also, I don’t like to eat on a schedule and some days I’m hungrier than others.
·         Occasional mucous in an older, previously unbothered baby:  Usually a result of teething or maybe a little post nasal drip.
Believe it or not, there are some other issues that could LOOK very much like food issues.  Before you start living on unicorn tears, double check the following:
·         Do you have oversupply?  Oversupply can cause all KINDS of funky diapers.  Lime green, frothy poops are a hallmark of oversupply.  Oh, and a VERY fussy baby.
·         Has your baby been evaluated for a lip and/or tongue tie?  Unfortunately, so many health care providers are only familiar with an anterior tongue tie.  Spit up, mucous and green poop can all be signs.  Poor weight gain is a big one, too. 
·         Are you taking supply boosting herbs, such as fenugreek?  They are notorious belly achers!  

We really strive to make elimination diets user friendly.  Make sure to check out our “First Steps to Elimination Survival!”