Thursday, October 15, 2015

When You Have To Stop Nursing Suddenly

When we begin nursing we are all aware that one day that relationship must come to an end. Most moms have a goal in their mind. For some that may be weeks, for others months, and for some years. Sometimes however, as we all know, life throws surprises our way and a mom may find herself ending her breastfeeding journey before she is ready. There are extra obstacles to overcome when a mom has to abruptly stop nursing.
Drying Up
Even if you have to stop nursing suddenly that does not mean you should stop expressing milk. If you are nursing or pumping on demand suddenly stopping nursing or pumping will lead to clogged ducts and mastitis. You want to make sure to express milk for comfort. Slowly decrease the number of times you are expressing milk a day over a few weeks. There are some medications that can hinder milk production. Talk to your doctor or IBCLC about medications that may be appropriate for your situation. Cabbage leaves worn in your bra can help reduce milk supply and engorgement.
Introducing Bottles or Cups 
If your baby is under 1 you will need to replace the nursing sessions with either formula or donor milk. A baby over 1 can be offered whole milk. Make sure to talk with your pediatrician about the best option for your situation. Your baby may not take right away to the taste of something other than breastmilk. You can mix expressed breastmilk with formula (prepared according to the manufactures direction) or whole milk to help slowly adjust your baby to the taste. You can then slowly change the ratio of formula to breastmilk. 

Another obstacle many moms run into is getting their baby to take a bottle. Especially an older baby who has never taken a bottle before may be very reluctant. Don’t fear: There are many alternative feeding methods! Try leaving the house so that someone else has to offer the bottles at first. If your baby is over 4 months old, consider trying a straw or sippy cup instead. There are many cups designed for this age range. If all else fails consider using a syringe to feed.…
Taking Care Of YOU
Whatever the reason you needed to stop nursing, take a second and remind yourself YOU BREASTFEED! You are AWESOME! Remember that with weaning comes hormone changes and depression after weaning is real. If you are feeling like you are struggling more than normal, please reach out to a care provider and talk to them about your feelings. Don’t feel ashamed, you are not alone. Signs of depression after weaning are anger, anxiety, increased feeling of sadness, or mood swings.…/wean…/wean-how/depression-and-weaning/ 

While weaning is the end of a breastfeeding journey, it is only one chapter of your relationship with your child. Take time to snuggle daily and find new special routines to do together. Replace those nursing sessions with story time or cuddling in the rocking chair. Remind yourself that you did an amazing job and that you are an awesome mother. Think fondly of those special moments together and remember that there are many more amazing moments to come.